Friday, March 16, 2007

For a good time!!!

Sandboxes are fun for playing in unless the cat has visited it recently. This is especially true with cats living in Hialeah, Homestead, and Allapatah. miami

The Homestead cats are dangerously aggressive about using the sandbox, so watch out. The materials found in the sandbox can be excavated with big large organgy things that have shovels and openings at the bottom. Goodbye SAND!! The sand leaves through the openings and then get sent to the beach to replenish after hurricanes. Let's not talk about Hurricane Andrew. The beach sure did stink like a....well, we're not going to go there. The reason the beach was so stinky was because of the Hialean and Allapatah cats. Try not to let your little children play in the sandbox unless it is kept clean.

and lots of odoriferous felines. and lots of odoriferous felines.



Let's not talk about Biscayne Blvd. there are different kinds of "cats" there.....ME---OW!!!

WHAT KII can see this is a very creative group: cat woman and the Wizard of OzND OF CATS ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Oh....YOU know.....>:) Go to fullsize image That's right, those are the kinds of cats, yeah yeah, those cats.

Dear old alma mater....oh how wounderful your waves of rip tides are and carry me off to oblivion, there's no place like home click click there's no place like home

Go to fullsize image


cats dont stink, they are just a little boring

very boring

I can see this is a very creative group: cat woman and the Wizard of Oz

you forgot the cat in the sandbox!

I hate cats but love to take lots of cat naps lol w/e that is funny

link to something -- how many lynx do you want?

it true that cats have 9 lives?

Is it true that cats have 9 lives?

I don't know I'm not a cat and I never asked one


most definitely...just ask garfield! heathcliff even.

i like garfield but he's going to say he wants lasagna

I love lasagna....especially when it has anchovies.

I don't....i like regular lasagna


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